
All Liqueur reviews


Average rating: 95 /100 (51 ratings)

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Chartreuse Green & Yellow Liqueurs

Chartreuse Green Liqueur

Nectar. Of. The. Gods.
The first impression is of the color, a chartreuse clarity that grabs your eyes and holds them. One can see why the color was named after the liquor. Upon opening the bottle I was struck by the complex array of aromas that literally assailed my nostrils. After the initial rush, I was able to settle into it and enjoy the pleasant floral tones of the many herbs that comprise this liquor. It was recommended that we sip this liquor cold over ice, so I splashed some over 3 ice cubes. The first sip was both harsh, yet smooth, with medicinal overtones. The flavor developed in the mouth and back of the tongue somewhat slowly and then became this complex array of herbal flavors with a not altogether unpleasant medicinal harshness. We slowly savored this and noticed that as the ice melted and slightly diluted the liquor, the harshness disappeared and we were left with a very smooth complex liquor that had excellent mouth feel. The full array of flavors developed slowly and the floral notes changed the longer one savored the sip on the tongue. With 130 herbs, the combinations of herbal notes was complicated and intense. As with most liquors, this one left a warm feeling in the throat and stomach after swallowing. Without a doubt, the best, most satisfying and sophisticated liquor we have ever enjoyed.
Chartreuse Green & Yellow Liqueurs

Chartreuse Green Liqueur

Extremely Complex
Currently writing this review as I'm deeply breathing in the scent of this spirit from a decanter. There's absolutely a refreshing floral tone that's more or less catapulted by the strong evaporating odors brought on by it's proof but also by it's definite status as a Kräuterlikör (herbal liquor) like Jägermeister. Now time for the tasting...

Now since this liquer is probably most similar to absinthe in a general sense, I will use absinthe as the reference to note this drink's differences. I'm drinking it chilled and neat. The digestif characteristics become quickly noticed with this one where the flavor transfers instantly from the tongue to the stomach while still lingering in the mouth. The more you sip the warmer the esophagus and stomach become, but it settles quickly. This compared to absinthe where the drink seems to hit the brain and limbs as instantly as this one hits the stomach. The tasting notes are far less bitter and lasting than absinthe. Where absinthe can take on that kind of almost moonshine finish all high octane spirits have, this high octane liqueur could be said to almost have a cough medicine finish. I will say that this just like many liqueurs has an almost creamy texture compared to spirits.

Apologies in advance to all absinthe lovers and connoisseurs as I do not consider myself one and know my comparison reference could be off-key.